Evolve & Transform by Nurturing your true Nature with Sacred Typology

Eliz Arctic SunriseBody-Heart-Mind-SpiritI’m an empath, author, mentor and transformation coach who feels a deep Heart calling and desire to be of service to all who are feeling lost or unsteady in this time of great transition, or who just wish to learn more about themselves. My gift is reading energy, with energy readings that empower you to align your energy in a way that you can connect with your own Essence or true Self in order to access your own inner wisdom. All the answers are inside of you. The connections and alignments I help you to move toward serve to nurture and support your Essence and true Self, while also help to release what no longer serves you. This deepens and expands your relationship with your heart, soul and higher self, allowing you to evolve and ascend into a life filled with greater love, peace and joy.

NYTN 7 image 1_Concentric Circle ColoredMy life’s work includes the study of rays of light and color, vibrational frequencies, energetic connections, ancient classical forms of typology, and unifying all authentic forms of typology back together in one place, in one chart. The typology charts and programs are color-coded so that even children can quickly understand what corresponds with their unique vibrational frequencies and how to nurture their real and true nature. My process embraces and unifies ancient wisdom with quantum physics and evolutionary consciousness; and provides physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balancing tools and techniques that integrate, balance and nurture body-heart-mind-spirit.

Singular Offerings

Do you wish to Expand your Reach or Rise above the fray?


Energy Centers Assessment: Current energy reading of nine key areas of your Self

Private Sessions: Support your alignment, balance and nurture your true nature

Sacred Typology Chart: Sacred energy reading of your unique inner architecture of the 7 Layers of your true Self in order to bring your full potential into your everyday life

Personality Chart: Sacred energy reading to see if you are in alignment and at HOME or not

Relationships Chart: Sacred energy reading to see Essence in your relationship dynamics and how to operate more harmoniously in them through a deeper understanding of Self and others

How Ascension Works: How to transform ego and evolve consciousness by integrating your shadows in the process of soul embodiment, so you can experience heaven while you are still on earth

The Commonplacer: Pinnacle tool for Energy Management & Ascension: How to awaken and evolve your consciousness in each energy center – empowering you with the tools to organize your inner Self

Typological Energy Balancing: Personalized self-care energy tools and recommendations for all types in each energy center, that support balance, alignment and being the best version of your Self

The Ascending Ray: A manifestation tool that raises your level of being and consciousness, and turns unconscious reactions into conscious action

Each chart and program is designed to give you greater clarity, understanding, and ways to come into greater alignment with your real and true nature. Private Sessions give you one-on-one support with that process. If you wish to know more about any of these offerings, full descriptions and prices for each are on the web in the Typology Shop


What’s the difference between esoteric and exoteric? The simplest answer is esoteric means inner and exoteric means outer. Awakening is an inner experience. Another definition from englishcomposition.org:Esoteric means ‘not public or common knowledge’ while exoteric refers to ‘knowledge or practices commonly taught or shared’.

According to Dr. Robert Svoboda, in “The Hidden Secret of Ayurveda”, exoteric work is slow, safe and done by increasing the natural health of the body to release congestion and create greater circulation, health, well-being and vitality with rest, nutrition and exercise. This is working with the physical body and is considered a form of outer (exoteric) work. (Since it was safer, this knowledge was made available to the masses.)

On the other hand, esoteric work is quick, and can be more difficult or challenging. This is considered inner work that is done by awakening and aligning the mind and heart. This is done by reorganizing the thoughts, thinking patterns and inner energy centers to align with the knowledge of the structure and order of universal sacred laws. (Since this was more challenging, this knowledge was only shared in the mystery schools.)

I’ve always been deeply interested in my own and others’ psychological nature – the heart and mind – how we feel and think – which is the most powerful area of our Creatorship. This is an instrumental human component that determines the reality we create.

Typology is a way of identifying (reading) the energies that we are seeing – and we must become aware of them if we desire to either change them or nurture them.

In the world of 3D polarity there is physicality with a physical body. Our physical body is the reflection of our mind (thoughts-beliefs) and our heart (emotions-feelings). If the body is sick or in pain, there are physical things we can do with rest, diet, exercise and natural remedies that all help the body to heal itself naturally.

However, unless and until we uncover the psycho-physical component – the body-heart-mind connections – the mental and emotional thought-processes – then the core energy patterns will not change, and the old thought-feeling pattern will continue to pop up and manifest as our reality in various ways and forms.

Body-Heart-Mind-SpiritThe four primary components we have to work with are Body-Heart-Mind-Spirit. From the 5D perspective, we are higher consciousness Spirit that has chosen to come into a physical Body to experience the physical earth. We interpret what we experience through the filters of our Heart and Mind.

From the more dense lower consciousness 3D perspective, the Heart often experiences emotional pain or trauma in life, and is often shut down unconsciously to stop feeling so much emotional pain. (I remember at age 16 making a conscious choice to shut it down and years later had to learn how to open it back up again.)

From the more refined higher consciousness 5D perspective, the Heart is where the spark of the Divine lives within us – and it is our responsibility to nurture and fan the flame of this Divine aspect with love, respect, honor.

An open Heart is the key to knowing what is good and what is truth. The Heart naturally, innately feels truth – what is truth for us at any given time. As we nurture our Heart with self-love, our Heart expands to wider and deeper levels of truth. The way to tap into our soul and our soul’s divine plan is through our Heart.

Opening, expanding and nurturing the energy in our Heart then allows an opening to Spirit, higher guidance and intuition.

All forms and systems of typology offer ways to identify and name different qualities of energy from a non-judgmental perspective, meaning it’s not good, bad, right or wrong – it’s just energy manifesting in different ways. The current 5D language describes this as from a place of neutrality or zero-point – which means we’re not putting a spin or any English on the ball. The ancient traditions called this walking the middle path.

Many forms of typology give you a description of some aspect of your nature – and you either see these qualities in your Self or you don’t – but then what do you do with that information?

Sacred Typology offers ways to deepen and enhance your practice of self-love with tools that personalize self-care and energy maintenance for you, your family and loved ones.

My Own Journey

What I noticed in my own life is that the years of learning the sacred laws and my own personal typology were the most deeply profound and liberating experiences for me.

Each time I learned another form of typology, from another tradition or sacred law, this revealed another layer or aspect of my Self. Each experience felt like another awakening to deeper levels of understanding and added another puzzle piece to the larger picture of who I really am.

Having that foundation then helped me understand the deeper meaning and purpose of my experiences as life unfolded.

I created Sacred Typology to share with others what had provided such deep value and impact in my own life. This required synthesizing a huge body of knowledge to explain what Sacred Typology is and how to make use of it.

Sacred Typology synthesizes principles of evolutionary consciousness with roots from the ancient wisdom traditions and medicines of: Proto-Western (Tantra & Ayurvedic) Medicine, Traditional Western Medicine (Sufism, Unani, Judeo-Christianity), Traditional Eastern Medicine (Taoism & Chinese Five-Element), Buddhism, Hinduism, Tibetan Lamaism, and The Fourth Way Work.

ST circle-colorThis process involved creating the image I had been seeing in my mind’s eye that would preserve and synthesize all this knowledge. This graphic image represents the unification of all the great traditions, sacred laws and forms of Typology back into one unified perspective.

It also represents our own personal journey of reconnecting all aspects of our Selfbody, heart, mind and spirit (along with all of our energy centers) – to become one whole interconnected, interrelated and integrated human Being.

Multiple Perspectives

The Sacred Typology chart is an objective diagram that symbolizes multiple perspectives all at the same time.

Cosmic & Global perspective, Multidimensional perspective, Human perspective, Personal perspective, Relationships perspective

Cosmic & Global Perspective

ST circle-colorIn the cosmic perspective, the Sacred Typology Chart is a graphic representation of an expansive view of our place in the cosmos, and our relationship with the Creator and Source energy. Each layer represents a different sacred law and dimension.

In the global perspective, the Sacred Typology Chart symbolizes the unification of all ancient, classical traditional forms of medicine and typologies back together in one place. Each layer represents a different language and system, and the words in each layer signify specific energetic frequencies within the particular layer and system.

Enlightened SocietyHistorical references share this knowledge used to be unified. Then it split apart and became separated. Now it is in the process of coming back together again as a unified whole. This means that no one particular way is better, superior or more important than the others.

This diagram represents all layers, traditions, cultures and forms of typology as equally significant, important pieces of the puzzle that are all needed to create the whole unified picture. These multi-layers and dimensions are all happening simultaneously in the universe, in our Self, and in our Life.

Multidimensional Perspective

ST circle-colorAll and everything in this universe is energy vibrating at various frequencies of Light. Essence is our real and true nature and vibrates at a specific frequency that is our unique energy signature.

In the multidimensional perspective, this image also illustrates how we are multidimensional beings living in a multidimensional universe. As multidimensional beings we are a combination of both divinity and humanity. Our experience expands into multidimensionality when we become aware of multiple levels, layers, meanings, parts and aspects all happening simultaneously. Our true nature consists of multiple levels and layers.

As an objective diagram, the Sacred Typology Chart holds the structure of the sacred architecture that symbolizes the macrocosmic view of universal sacred laws that represent multiple dimensions, as well as the microcosmic view of how our internal energies are organized.

Each concentric circle (layer) represents a unique sacred law and language that has its own objective diagram that is encoded with information that reveals a different aspect of how the energies in both the universe (macrocosm) and our real and true Self (microcosm) are structured and organized.

The universe is within us, and understanding the universe helps us understand our Self, and understanding our Self helps us understand the universe. Each sacred diagram shows us a different aspect of the universe and our real and true nature.

Many people are familiar with one or two of these languages or perspectives, however, there is no other place where these seven layers have been integrated and brought back together all in one place, to understand all seven unique aspects of our real and true nature simultaneously in one diagram.

Human Perspective

ST circle-colorSacred Typology is a language of energy, light and color. In the human perspective, the Sacred Typology Chart without the arrow symbolizes our whole Self – all seven layers or aspects of our real and true nature, and how they are interrelated and interconnected. We all have all the energies within us (with just a little more energy focused in a particular area).

By the Law of One (innermost layer), we are all unified as one big human family within one unified field of energy and there is no separation between races, cultures, religions, genders, etc. At the same time, by the Laws of Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven we are a unique type in our expressions through the seven layers of Essence, Being & Personality. This unique expression is called our Sacred Typology.

Each type is unique in how they understand and relate with the world. Everything beyond these innermost seven layers is considered to be outside and external to our real and true nature.

The Law of Nine (outside the circle of seven layers) concerns the operation of our reactive nature and egotism that creates a feeling of separation from Source, as well as separating us from the higher nature of our Essence, Being and Higher Self. It is referred to as our False Personality, and is not represented as a layer in this diagram.

As a combination of humanity and divinity, our mission is to liberate our divine Essence by releasing and transmuting the False Personality alter ego.

Together, the concentric circles represent a simultaneous journey of moving from the inside → outward, and the outside → inward, as we uncover and discover our real and true Self and who we really are through the process of transmuting our False Personality human ego while at the same time liberating our Being and Essence.

Personal Perspective

In the personal perspective, Sacred Typology reveals our specific Essence, Being & Personality configuration and can be used as a tool to uncover some of the unique gifts that we are born with in this lifetime.

TEB 3.6 At HomeThe white arrow represents a snapshot of the specific blueprint of the energy alignment of our inner sacred architecture at the exact moment of our birth, which never changes in this lifetime. It indicates our unique Essence energy signature when we are At HOME, in alignment, and have integrated the seven layers of our real and TRUE Essence (layers 1, 2, 3) Being (layers 4,5,6) and Personality (layer 7).

The health, balance and alignment of the layers determine how far the real and true nature of our Essence (at the inner core of our Self) can reach and expand to express itself out through our Personality – to be who we really are as we interact with Life so that we can make an effective impact and contribution to Life.

TEB 3.4 Not at HomeWhen our Personality is Not At Home and in alignment with the true nature of our Essence and Being, our life can feel like a struggle. We may experience difficulties, problems, conditions or challenges with our energy, sex life, self-esteem, self-confidence, health, weight loss or gain, job or career, ability for intimacy, relationships and/or relating with others, making decisions, setting goals, purpose or direction in life.

Approximately 50 percent of those tested have a Personality that is NOT in alignment and unified with their natural Being and Essence.

The Sacred Typology Chart shares the unique blueprint, pattern and pure potential, but it can’t read our level of Being, light and consciousness.

3-Story-7-Center SimpleThat’s what the seven levels of our Three Story House and seven energy centers are about.

The Sacred Typology Chart is a tool to know what things are in alignment (as well as what is not in alignment) with the Essence of our real and true nature, which then allows us to know what to release and what to nurture.

Sacred Typology is not astrology or numerology, yet it is similar in that it is based on the date of birth. It is determined by using a precise mathematical calculation that determines the exact degree of alignment in a 360 degree circle. This gives us an objective energy reading of the precise configuration. Our specific placement in each layer tells us the information and significance of each layer of our Self.

That specific vibrational frequency within us then attracts specific kinds of issues and lessons to learn, as well as gives us specific gifts to make use of along our journey, in service to our Self and others.

Relationships Perspective

Eliz REL Chart-3Once we understand and know our Self, then our Relationships Chart expands our multidimensional awareness even further.

In the relationships perspective, a Relationships Chart is not only a symbol of our whole Self, but it expands to being a symbol of our whole family, and our relationships with others. It gives us a reading of our significant relationships and the real dynamics we’re dealing with, all in one chart.

By revealing the Essence alignment and specific energy connections through seven layers, it’s a tool to understand our relationships more objectively by seeing Essence in our relationship with our Self and others.

Knowing someone else’s Essence type helps us look for and focus on nurturing and relating with their Essence, instead of just their Personality. It expands and deepens our ability to recognize their deeper layers and connect at deeper levels.

Knowing and looking for Essence is a way of relating from the inside-out (instead of the outside-in). We know more objectively what’s truly in alignment (what to nurture) and what can be released.

In a glance we can see the layers of energies that we have in common, or not. This helps us become less judgmental by understanding the similarities (as well as the differences) in how we and others approach, relate to and interpret the world.

In some instances, it can also be used as a way to read whether the energy we’re expressing is from our own real and true nature, or whether we are processing energy patterns we have picked up from others, or generational patterns that we are here to transmute.

Click here if you wish to know more about the Methods of Determining Sacred Typology.

Click here if you want to know The Value of Sacred Typology.

Order Your Sacred Typology Chart Today!

Get a Sacred Typology Chart and learn what’s going to work best for your type. Then get one for your family, friends and loved ones.

“I honor you for making this your work and intuitively I know you to be a magnificent soul. Whenever we communicate I feel deep resonance and know in every part of my self that our meeting was/is divine. What I read in the typology report makes sense to me and is already helping with the alignment of being a ‘greatest version’ of self.”   ~Amaris M.



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“This information has opened me to grow into who I am really meant to be and give me confidence and courage to continue this work because there is so much more of life in store for me.” ~Roxanne F.

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